[use with caution]
swallow and go

Xenia O. Keskikangas Klein
We are constantly negotiating. Never really able to reach out to each other.
We are frustrated. We are self absorbed. We call ourselves Xenia Klein and we are disgusted; not at least by ourselves, because some of us say our self indulgence is not relevant for anyone else then us.
So, we write. While some of us tear the written apart.
So, we sculpt. While some of us leave the sculptures out in the forest for animals to feed.
So, we print. So, we take photographs. So, we do too many things.
And some of us can’t resist saying ”No bitch, No!”
We ask about the limits of communication
We wonder how the touch between the self and the other feels like
So we read – Levinas, Gayatri, Weil, Unica Zürn, the Gita and the Gnostic Gospels
And yes, we’re admitting that some of us love the Bible too much, and that some of us hate Stalin too little. That our mother thinks we are someone else than who we are. That our friends only see tiny parts. Because we're constantly lying – We don’t love the Bible too much and we don’t hate Stalin too little.
Some of us are fascinated with what they think is truly egalitarian.
We have talked about transgender rights. Now, we talk about cognition, about the relevance of thinking differently. Always, always.
We have made political performances.
We have made delicate prints.
We have written novels and large collections of poetry.
We have sculpted in fluorescent materials and worked with kitsch.
We left the hospital in the forest, in the outskirts of the grey city and stopped taking Zyprexa and Seroquel in 2012.
We stopped existing in 2012…
We said lets be an artist. Let’s be Xenia Klein
We’re not crazy people anymore.
They said we have a different brain.
They said we are a depressive creature
They said it would be better if we didn’t exist.
When they see our art they say: tell us what’s it about – tell us a story
We say: we can tell you a story, but not what it's about.
They ask: who are you?
We: —— [remain silent]
We stare with crazy eyes and grin – our teeth are bloody from wine. We’re not young anymore…
and the red teeth aren’t charming anymore… They roll their eyes, they mingle away, they wank off to other things in bed at night; and they say she’s unworkable
But we laugh when we leave
and most importantly we keep negotiating
if you want to contact us (a proposal? a suggestion? a spam mail or even a letter?) call in:
if you want to read our curriculum, go straight to the Benzo pill / the bottom of the page

season cycle #1-10. 2020–2021.

photography 2017–2020.

DMZ postal service. 2017–2019.

tigers. 2015–2017.

avocado birds. 2017–2018.

the book of the goat of joy. 2018.
artist radio. artist sound. 2020–2021.
tune in tune in

the fire horse woman: arabesque. 2018.
lilies and corals. 2020.

the dinner performance: tea tiger 3. 2016–2017.

artist novel: Gå längst med Torneälv och samla på bortglömda andetag. 2018–2019.

ephemeral sentences. 2020.
artist in residence Blekinge. 2019–

my grandfather's dog Finger. 2017

workshop and teaching practice. 2016–

performative practice. 2015–

short C V: Xenia O. Keskikangas Klein
e-mail: keskikangas.klein@gmail.com
insta: xenia.o.keskikangas.klein
facebook: Xenia Klein
website: xeniaklein.com
Born 1992, Stockholm. Studies artistic research (master) at the Royal Academy of Fine Art in The Hague. Based in The Hague / Stockholm / Karlskrona.
Recurring producer for the podcast ’Konst i Blekinge’ and recurring editor for the cultural magazine Brand. Curates the pop-up residency Artist in Retreat in Blekinge.
Researches about the correlations between eclecticism and the ability to think otherly.
Master of Artistic Research, The Royal Academy of Fine Arts The Hague, NL
Advanced creative writing, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, SE
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, SE
Foundation Diploma in Fine Arts, Gerlesborgs school of Fine Arts, Bohuslän, SE
Different orientational and specializing courses in Art history & -theory, Cultural & Literature studies, Philosophy &Theology (tot. 160 ECTS)
Stockholm University, Uppsala University, The Newman Institute, Uppsala, Stockholm, SE
EXIBITIONS: Exhibitions / Performances / Festivals [S = Soloexhibition]
- De Helena, The Hague, NL
- Quartair, The Hague, NL
- Page not Found, The Hague, NL
- Leiden International Photofestival, Leiden, NL
- Fylkingen, Sthlm, SE
- /last sunset for today/, Skrapan, Sthlm, SE
- Ronneby Konsthall, Ronneby, SE
- Festival d’Art Sacré de Senils, Senils, FR
- Hangmen Projects, Sthlm, SE
- New Swedish Photography, Centrum for Photography, Sthlm, SE
- Gallery Snerk, Tromso, NO. [S]
- Vita havet, Konstfack, Sthlm, SE. [S]
- Umeå Foketshus, Umeå, SE. [S]
- Spring exhibition, Vita havet, Konstfack, Sthlm, SE
- Goethe Institute, Ramallah, PAL
- Les Grands Voisins, Paris, FR
- Vita havet, Konstfack, Sthlm, SE
- P2, Konstfack, Sthlm, SE. [S]
- Klarabiografen, Sthlm, SE
- Cinema Museum, London, UK
- Queerfestivalen, Copenhagen, DK
- Hysteria Lounge, Paris, FR
- Queer filmfestival, Buckarest, RO
- Control Club, Buckarest, RO
- 2 Lång, Göteborg, SE
- Gerlesborgs Konsthall, SE
CONVERSATIONAL WORK: Curating & Editing / Workshops / Podcasts / Lectures
- Study circle: The Writing Exists, ABF, Stockholm/Online, SE
- Editor, BRAND
– Editor, BRAND
- Editor of [skrik], Index, Sthlm, SE
- Workshop: Writing and Editing, Index Teen Advisory Board, Index, Stockholm/Online, SE
- Workshop: Writing together, A&TR + at7, Rotterdam/Amsterdam/Online, NL
- Workshop: Writing and Sharing, Kvalitetsteatern, Göteborg/Online, SE
- Podcast: Hertha Hillfon, Konst i Blekinge Podden, SE
- Podcast: Carl Eldh, Konst i Blekinge Podden, SE
- Podcast: Vågorna från Stora Hammar del 2, Konst i Blekinge Podden, SE
- Podcast: Vågorna från Stora Hammar del 1, Konst i Blekinge Podden, SE
- Curating artist residency: Artist in Retreat, Artist Residence, Torhamn, SE
- Curating artist talk series: Alexander Rynéus, Blekinge Museum, SE. Johanna Arve & Andreas Hiroui Larsson, Blekinge Museum, SE. Meryem Saadi, Ronneby Konsthall, SE. David Zimmerman and Anna Zimmerman, Blekinge Museum, SE. Linnea Hansander and Pontus Petterson, Blekinge Museum, SE. Yolanda Bohm and Nikita Rissanen, Sölvesborgs Tingshus, SE
- Lecture/Presentation: Blekinge Folkhögskola, SE
- Workshop: Cyanotype, Farm of The World, Friesland, NL
- Artist talk: Khimaira, SE (Curated by Andreas Hiroui Larsson)
- Artist talk, and movie selection: Cosmopolite, SE
- Lecture: Umeå Pride, Umeå, SE
- Lecture: West Pride, Gothenburg, SE
- Lecture: Gretas kulturhus, Linköping, SE
- Workshop: Box Photography, Almedalen – Svensk Form, Teknikföretagen, Konstfack, Visby, SE
WRITTEN WORK. Publications / Articles / Research & Reports
- Anthology: Fittskrift, Tant Gul Förlag, SE
- Prose poem: Dream Sibling Zine, SE
- Research Report: Regionsamverkan Sydsverige, SE
- Forward: Index, Sthlm, SE
- Article: BRAND #3, SE
- Essay: BRAND #2, SE
- Essay: BRAND #1, SE
- Essay: MIND #2, SE
- Essay: MIND #1, SE
- Book: Gå längst med Torne Älv, Lethe, Stockholm/Uppsala, SE
- Catalogue: Flyktpunkt, Centrum for Photography, Stockholm, SE
- Bachelor Thesis: Konstfack, Sthlm, SE
- Article: Dagens Arena, SE
- Article: QX #2, SE
- Article: QX #1, SE
- Article: Metro, SE
- Gallery host, Page not Found, The Hague
- Assistant, Studio Claudy Jongstra, Leeuwarden, NL
- Board member, Utbildnings- och forskningsnämnden, Konstfack
- Board member, Lärarförslagsnämnden, Konstfack
- Board member, Studentkåren, Konstfack
- Royal Academy of Fine Arts / Konstakademin, Scholarship for Young Artist, SE
- Sassakawa Foundation, JP
- Blekinge Ateljéstipendium, SE
- Projektstöd Artist in Retreat, Karlskrona kommon, Region Blekinge, SE.
- Rektornsstipendium, Konstfack, SE
- Kulturstipendium, Fredrika Bremer Stiftelsen, SE
- Helge Ax:son Johnson, SE
- Petersenska Hemmet, SE
- Professorernas stipendium, Konstfack, SE